Nowadays, we can easily see Digital Signage everywhere. From offices, in shops to public places such as airports, train stations, shopping centers, etc. So how is the development of Digital Signage taking place? What benefits does it bring to businesses? Let’s find out in detail with VDS through the following article!

1. Digital Signage is what?

Digital Signage is the digital display screens that help show information, images, and videos in a lively, visual, and eye-catching way. With the help of Digital Signage, you can effectively and conveniently convey important information to customers, employees, and save a lot more than traditional methods.

The development of Digital Signage
The development of Digital Signage

2. The outstanding features of Digital Signage bring

 The reason why Digital Signage is popular is because of the following great features:

  • Easy and quick content presentation and editing. 
  • Support for multiple zones, multiple frames.
  • Convenient remote management.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Simple simultaneous management of multiple screens.
  • Integrated sensor feature for convenient interaction by customers.
  • Setting up presentation schedules and content display order.
  • High-definition, vivid color display
  • High durability for continuous projection up to 10 years.
  • Smooth and luxurious operation.
  • Enhancing modern elegance for the space. 

Nowadays, Digital Signage is still being researched, developed, and supplemented with many other convenient and advanced features. You can learn more through some articles on VDS’s website.

The outstanding features of Digital Signage bring
The outstanding features of Digital Signage bring

3. The development of Digital Signage: Numbers tell the story

It’s not hard to find Digital Signage everywhere, you can easily see them in stores, hotels, on the street, train stations, airports, even hospitals, gas stations. Many companies also use Digital Signage as an internal communication tool to connect employees and businesses. With its distinctive features, Digital Signage has been successful in attracting customer attention and driving business growth. 

A recent report has revealed interesting figures about the scale of Digital Signage development. The report states that: 80% of US residents aged 12 and older have seen and watched Digital Signage at a public location within the past month. 62% of respondents confirmed they had seen Digital Signage in the past week. Even more impressive: 19% of them said they made an unplanned purchase after seeing an advertisement on Digital Signage. 

These figures truly speak for themselves, affirming the popularity and strong growth of Digital Signage at the present time.

4. What is the significance of Digital Signage for businesses? 

A statistic shows that 76% of customers decide to enter a store and purchase a product because they are attracted by advertising on Digital Signage. Therefore, it can be seen that Digital Signage is a powerful tool to help businesses gain more customers and attract more attention compared to traditional advertising methods.

 Not only that, a more surprising figure is that 75% of consumers decide to recommend a store to others simply because they like and are impressed by the content displayed on the Digital Signage in that store. From this figure, we can clearly see the increased benefit of referrals that Digital Signage brings. Digital Signage is an excellent leverage for businesses to successfully implement a customer referral strategy. 

And finally, an important and impressive figure, 68% of Americans decide to purchase a product or service when they feel the appeal of Digital Signage content. Therefore, it can be seen that Digital Signage not only attracts customers but also stimulates consumer purchasing behavior, encouraging customers to spend more.

5. The future prospects of Digital Signage

Researchers from Markets and Markets have conducted an analysis project and made a prediction about the future prospects of Digital Signage. By 2024, the market value of Digital Signage could reach an astounding figure of 30 million USD. The researchers have calculated that the Digital Signage industry could grow at a rate of 7% annually compared to the present time. The reason for this strong development is that more and more businesses are deciding to invest in Digital Signage. The researchers from Markets and Markets also emphasize: “By applying Digital Signage in stores, retailers can distribute content to the target audience, increasing recognition, encouraging purchasing decisions, and enticing customers to return. This can increase sales revenue.” 

Furthermore, with the emergence and support of AI (Artificial Intelligence), Digital Signage advertising will become increasingly intelligent and effective. AI will calculate reports on the behavior and preferences of viewers (target customers). Based on these reports, businesses can create much more effective content for display on Digital Signage. Particularly, it can create a personalized advertising experience, helping businesses create content tailored to the preferences and needs of target customers. Surely, this will help business results grow even more outstandingly.

6. The suitable areas to apply Digital Signage

With the development of Digital Signage, many industries have been supported. This includes the following industries: 

6.1 Application in restaurants and F&B industry

Digital Signage truly brings outstanding efficiency to restaurants, small eateries, supermarket chains, fast food outlets,… Due to the characteristic of the F&B industry having a short product life cycle, it often needs to change to serve customer preferences. Therefore, if advertising content is not conveyed quickly and attractively to customers, it will be difficult to attract and persuade customers to purchase products. Applying Digital Signage for shopping centers

6.2 Digital Signage application for shopping centers

In large commercial centers, Digital Signage is both an advertising display device and is also utilized to display maps for directions, update important notices, and showcase current promotional programs in the stores of the commercial center. 

With the support of Digital Signage, customers will easily find the kiosks they want and also keep track of important information, identifying which brands have discounted or new products, etc.

The suitable areas to apply Digital Signage
The suitable areas to apply Digital Signage

6.3 Digital Signage application for the Hotel and Resort

For the hotel and resort industry, Digital Signage is the method that helps businesses elevate their status. Customers will perceive the hotel and resort as being very professional. Digital Signage will provide information about the resort and hotel to customers. At the same time, it is also the advertising channel for the resort and hotel. You can use Digital Signage to advertise for the resort and hotel and receive additional advertising from partners to generate additional income from advertising space rental fees.

6.4 Application of Digital Signage for events

Events are places that attract many people and are quite noisy. Therefore, many event participants miss important information. If you use Digital Signage for events, you not only enhance the professionalism of the organizer but also enhance the experience of the participants, attracting everyone’s attention to important content and creating memorable impressions about the event. 

6.5 Application of Digital Signage for education and training

Education and training require a high level of user focus. That’s why many businesses in this field have utilized specialized advertising screens to support teaching and interact with students. Digital Signage is used as a visual training tool to enhance the learning experience for students. Not only that, this device also helps schools announce schedules and programs to students in a synchronized and clear manner. The education & training industry not only uses technical billboards (digital signage) or specialized advertising screens, touch screens, but especially smart interactive screens are the trend for visual and interactive training, creating a learning experience for students.

7. VDSignage solution: Transform TV into professional Digital Signage 

With the strong development of Digital Signage, many types of digital screens have been introduced. However, dedicated screens have some major disadvantages such as high equipment costs, complex installation processes, and the need for professional technical support to operate smoothly.

Meanwhile, there is a solution to overcome all the disadvantages of Digital Signage. That is VDSignage, which will turn regular TVs into professional Digital Signage. You will save a significant amount of money by only equipping regular TVs at an affordable price instead of buying expensive dedicated screens. Moreover, VDSignage solution is very easy to install and use, allowing you to manage and operate it without hiring additional technicians. The VDSignage software offers many great features such as easy content publishing and updating, vivid and sharp video and image display, centralized management of multiple screens in different locations with simple touch operations.

For further consultation on the VDSignage solution, please contact VDS.

Above are the numbers and detailed information about the development of Digital Signage. I hope this article has provided you with useful information. Contact VDS for more interesting information about Digital Signage.

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