Nowadays, you can easily find advertising videos everywhere. From advertising videos on social media platforms to electronic advertising screens. So why are advertising videos so popular? Let’s find out through the article below!

1. Why using video advertising is a good choice for advertising screens 

There are many benefits of video advertising that will help businesses develop superior business effectiveness and leave a mark on customers’ hearts. Let’s explore the details of those benefits below! 

1.1 A video conveys the equivalent of millions of words on the advertising screen

 A study has confirmed that our brains are capable of processing images more than 60,000 times faster than text, and 90% of the information our brains receive is visual. These figures show that a video has the ability to convey information equivalent to thousands of words. With just a short video, you can convey important and necessary information to customers, helping them easily receive and remember the information. 

1.2 Video increases viewer engagement on the advertising screen

In addition to the issue of how to attract customers, how to keep customers focused on watching the content on the advertising screen is also noteworthy. Surely you do not want your advertising content to be overlooked or just skimmed through by customers. Video advertising will help you hold viewers’ attention throughout the presentation. Because video advertising is not only attractive and interesting, but also flexible in motion, it persuades viewers to continue watching. 

1.3 Video on the advertising screen creates emotional connections with the brand

 Brand emotion is something very difficult to create and make viewers feel. Video advertising is a powerful tool to help your brand convey emotions to customers. Because you can incorporate impressive scripts, beautiful and meaningful scenes into video advertising, making customers have their own emotions when watching. From there, customers have a more positive view of the brand.

1.4 Video advertising screens are easy to use for brand building

Images or texts can limit creativity and attractiveness of advertisements. On the other hand, with video advertising, you can freely express ideas, information, characteristics, vision, and mission of the brand. This creates an impression and helps customers remember the brand.

1.5 Higher effectiveness than images

Video is a combination of a presentation script and beautiful, vibrant images. Therefore, videos can grab customers’ attention much faster than still images or text. Customers will quickly notice the video displayed on the screen. In addition, video advertisements also convey important information effectively and memorably. As a result, customers will have a clear understanding of your product and quickly make a purchasing decision. 

1.6 Connecting with customers

 Interesting video advertisements will surely evoke great emotions and make an impression on viewers. Customers will feel connected to your product, service, and brand and perceive the message you want to convey. Customers will feel close and trust in making purchasing decisions. 

1.7 Increasing interaction

 Interesting video advertisements will stimulate customers to share content on social media or share it with friends and family through various chat channels. This not only increases interaction between the brand and customers but also arouses customers’ curiosity, making them want to learn more about the product or service. 

1.8 Creating differentiation from competitors

 The more attractive and unique the video advertisement is, the more it helps your store gain a competitive advantage over competitors. Customers will perceive the difference in your store’s product and service, thereby leaving a longer-lasting impression. This not only helps you attract new customers but also maintain the existing customer base that your store already has. 

1.9 Building trust and credibility

You can use video advertisements to convey vivid and authentic images of your product or service. When customers witness the most realistic aspects of the product or understand the service process, they can easily imagine what they are about to buy. From there, they can confidently make a purchasing decision. Through video advertisements, your store will succeed in building trust and credibility in the eyes of customers.

Reason For using video advertising on advertising screens
Reason For using video advertising on advertising screens

2. How to use video on the advertising screen for the best results

Advertising videos bring many benefits, but if you don’t know how to use them, they will be ineffective and may even have a negative impact. Here are some important notes to help you have attractive and highly effective advertising videos.

2.1 The relevance of the video

 The advertisement video must have a close connection to the product or service that your Store is selling. You can mix in content elements to make the video more attractive, but remember not to let the video content stray too far from what you are selling. Otherwise, customers may be distracted by those elements and forget the main message you are conveying. 

2.2 Video duration 

Nowadays, consumers have to encounter many different sources of information, so it is easy for them to lose focus and find it difficult to follow a video from start to finish if the duration is too long. A study has shown that customers only pay attention to the first 10 seconds of a video and will gradually be distracted by other factors.

Therefore, the video duration should not be too long, as it can make customers feel bored and leave before they have finished watching the information. You should design advertisement videos that are under 1 minute, with 15-30 seconds being the ideal range.

Of course, a short video does not mean that it will be cut off or lack important messages that need to be conveyed. To ensure an appropriate video duration while still providing sufficient content, you should filter out important information and condense it into different scenes of the video. 

2.3 Video everywhere 

The basic rule of advertising is repetition. The more times the advertisement video appears in front of customers, the easier they will be impressed and remember the advertising content. Therefore, you should set up multiple touchpoints in the Store for customers to come into contact with the advertisement video more frequently. You can do this by equipping multiple advertising display screens in the Store, especially in “prime” locations such as the ordering area, waiting area, hallways, etc.

How to use video on the advertising screen for the best results
How to use video on the advertising screen for the best results

3. Template video advertising vibrant on the advertising screen of VDS

To own an advertising video, you need to spend a considerable amount of money for content creation and editing. If you want to save this cost, you can take advantage of the vibrant video advertising templates on the VDS advertising screen. These templates are designed to be suitable for video format and optimized for each industry. With VDS templates, you just need to perform a few simple drag-and-drop operations to use advertising videos for yourself.

4. VDS designs advertising videos for advertising screens according to requirements. 

With the current development of technology, not utilizing modern marketing tools will cause your business to fall behind. Nowadays, advertising videos are the trend for promoting brands effectively. Advertising videos will help you convey messages about your products and services visually, vividly, and attractively to customers. This will provide customers with authentic and appealing experiences, and at the same time, reassure them in making purchasing decisions.

Understanding the effectiveness and importance of advertising videos, VDS provides solutions for designing videos on advertising screens according to your requirements. 

Our dedicated consulting team at VDS is always enthusiastic and ready to support you as best as possible. We will thoroughly study your needs in order to provide suitable advice and solutions, helping you optimize the benefits and value you can receive from our services. 

Besides that, VDS also has a professional design team committed to devoting their expertise and creativity to create impressive and visually appealing designs that highlight unique values for each business. You just need to send us your request, and the VDS team will proceed with designing and send it back for your review. Finally, you will receive the final content and publish it on TV screens with just one click. 

During the installation and use of the VDSignage solution, our Customer Service team at VDS will take care of you attentively, always being attentive and providing timely support, ready to listen to feedback and make adjustments in order to bring the most satisfactory design to customers.

Copyright © by VDSignage.

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